Storylogue – The Education of a Writer
Create an online community and sustainable business for the foremost expert in Screenwriting. E7 was contacted 1 week before this site was to go live.
Cost: $$
Calendar Time: 1 Month
Technologies: FFMPEG, Linux, APache, PHP, MySQL
- Social Learning Web App
- Shopping Cart – Discount Codes etc.
- Member management
- Admin functions for control of all content & Business Functions
Development Work:
Implemented the E7 Systems Social Networking Suite. Configured for new client and structure of curriculum. Optimized for worldwide distribution of HD production quality video. Enabaled Google to index password protected content. Converted each new video to several formats to suit requirements including preview mode.
Enabled client to maintain their business connecting with their customer community since 2010. Spun off companion marketing & e-commerce sites.

Searching for site content. Right side-bar covered with call to action as we are not logged in.

Community discussion for individual interest groups.

Easy to use admin pages control all site content and functions. Admin dashboard keeps pulse of business.