Business Goal:
We set out to build a Point of Sale system tailored to the fast paced casual dining and bistro environments. We built a beautiful, solid, flexible, high performance POS system, and we integrated it to all of the technology in the environment.
Cost: $$$
Calendar Time: 6 Months
Technologies: Ionic, Ruby, Javascript, Angular, Raspberry Pi, RFID, MYSQL
There are many small innovations that make our POS system a hit with staff. In general, our system is more fully featured and flexible to their needs over the Square POS that we replaced.
The major innovation and 60% of project effort was delivery of the self-pour beverage system. For more information on our self-pour project click here, See the Self-Pour Beverage project summary. The self pour system requires deep integration with the POS. The POS must be able to inventory, sell, and properly account for beers and wines sold in bulk, with precision of a tenth of an ounce.
The Restaurant POS suite includes
- Mobile app for servers
- Kitchen & expeditor app
- Self pour beer & wine app
- Venue administration web app
- Digital signage Menu displays
Working point of sale and self-pour beverage hardware and software were delivered into a busy restaurant in 6 months. A one month cut-over period ensured continuous operation of staff into the new system which changed 100% of their IT procedures.
Agile and lean methods were employed to ensure that the highest risk items were under control before the client invested in the bulk of the project.
E7 Systems drew upon internal resources and local partners to perform all the hardware engineering, case manufacture, assembly, and PCB manufacture required to deliver a business ready, professional looking prototype to the first restaurant.
We are presently working on plans for installs to other venues in the chain and beyond.
App Screenshots

Tiki POS is designed to keep up with busy servers.

With our self pour system, patrons pour their own beers and their tabs are updated automatically.

Lightweight design is flexible for the unique requirements of the casual food and bistro environments.

Integrates with the E7 Systems designed pour it yourself beverage system.