Is Social Suite for you?
You have a community of people who are passionate about the same topic. You have a web site or mobile app that you want to create a community (tribe) of engaged users and customers. You want to grow your community. You are looking for a platform to organize and monetize the activities of you on-line community.
How will Social Suite help?
The Social networking suite is a comprehensive collection of social functions which can be integrated with any mobile app or web property. You can quickly enable your online community to connect and collaborate in your space.
Unlike with facebook or linkedin groups, YOU OWN THE CONTENT AND CONNECTIONS. You bend the power of social networking to your will, you can present or sell exposure on the traffic you create, not facebook.
If you are releasing a new app, you have to “rise above the noise” and give people a reason to come back and use your app again and again. The number one reason people come on line is to share with other people. People’s friends become your viral strategy. People’s friends become your 24x7x365 sales force, for free/
How do we get started?
Contact E7 Systems for a project review. We will give you a complimentary requirements assessment. Our team will then generate a top level implementation plan which puts your project on the fast track to release.
Using the E7 Systems Social Networking Suite, our team can get your startup on a fully functional Social Networking platform in just a few weeks.
Post Once Read Everywhere
Who has the time for social marketing? You do! And so do your customers. E7 Social Networking Suite provides write once post everywhere functionality. Bring all of your social platforms under a single roof. Write a post or upload a photo or video to E7’s social platform and distribute it on every one of your social platforms; Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, Panda, Tumblr, Twitter, Pinterest Instagram. Our 13 social tools make it easy to be be everywhere all the time.
Connect to an audience of thousands like you talk with your best friends. Keep in touch with videos, events, expert solutions, recommendations and more.

Social Tools Proven in the World of Business
The E7 Systems Social Networking Suite has been deployed half dozen times for clients and in-house projects. The feature set is robust and well tested. It is ready to deploy to increase the social connectivity and intrinsic community value of your project.
Social Networking, Community & Marketing Features

Built to bring people and businesses together, the sites built with our social networking toolkit use membership, advertising & transactions to deliver strong business models. Click the major categories at right to see the social features in your areas of interest.
Rich Business Profile Display
Descriptions, Photos, Video
Certifications, Badges and Logos
Customer Comments & Reviews
Maps & Directions
Business Category Hierarchy for Search and Browse
Time, place, etc.
What’ happening locally and regionally
Interest based event recommendations
Who’s Going
Trending Events
Favorites & Likes
Like other users & Businesses
Like Specific Content
Share with Social Networks
Boost Content & Members
Activities related to user or friends
Personally Recommended Content
Trending Site Wide
Embedded Content - Site Badges
Social Network Content Formatted and Served for Display Within Other Sites
Calendars for off-site display
Latest Posts…Mini-Profiles…
Utility badges – weather, reports, event calendars
Member Chat
Group Chats
Moderator Led Chats
On Demand Chat Room Creation & Deletion
Administrator Functions
Controlled Access to Manage System Data
Product & Accounts Management
Content Approval and Abuse Report Processing
Business Function Management
Delegation & Workflow Accountability
Ad Management
Content Management
Ad Runs
Ad Campaign management
Ad Inventory Management
Analytics for impressions and click-throughs
Page Traffic
User InteractionsGraphic Histories
Social API
Integrated and Independent Programmer Access to Social Data and Functions
API structures
API versioning
JSON and XML – CRUD response
Customized data sets
Email Marketing
Broadcast E-Marketing Emails
Events Based Emails (registration, ordering etc)
Sequential (drip) Email Campaigns
Marketing Mentor Emails
Watch Dog Emails – Inactivity Notices
User Managed Email Preferences
iContact & other Integrations
Content & Document Management
Static DocumentsPage and Content ManagementCustom WYSIWYG integration- image/video uploads, advanced modulesUser ContentFeatured content
Contest Management
Contest DefinitionViral MarketingMonitoringWinner Selection & Delivery
Context Sensitive Help
Field LevelPage Level
Database table and field generator
MVC scaffold generator with CRUD templates
Rake based MVC scaffold generator
Unit Test generator
Interest based groups
Discussion forums
Events by group
Group focused searches
Group relationship management
Group member communication and management
Google Maps Integration
GeoLocation services
Places integration
Advanced Map
Enriched popups, routing, custom user integration
Search Results Mapping
Images & Videos
Albums Sorted & Filtered by any criteria
Conversion from many sources to standardized sizes and formats
Incorporate content hosted off-site, i.e. Youtube
Multi language support
Multi time-zone support
Data Migration
Data migration tools and interfaces
Multi-database support and integration
Data Completion and Improvement Services
Mobile Social Funtions
Image Uploads
GIS Data
Mobile Platform Optimization
Device recognition
Web skin templating
Jquery Mobile & Bootstrap Integration
Open Architecture
Social Member Tools
Secure registration and login
Rich Profile Creation – text photos, media and other file formats
Profile Mentors
Interest Driven Recommendations
Password Reset
Edit and management
Keyword and Interest based searche
sRole based menus and features
User dashboardFacebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube integration.
Questions & Answers
Tap the Knowledge and Wisdom of the Crowd
Question Boards
Community Answers
Discussion/ Interest Groups
Best Answer
Topic Management & Closing
Community rated reviews
User and business credibility management
Anonymous and hidden review management
Review based searches and structures
Admin & Standard Users
Controlled Access to Systems Features
System Wide or Granted for Specific Regions or Businesses.
Advanced Search & Content Indexing
Rapid Indexing Platform
Heterogenenous Search Results
Auto-Completion and search suggestion tools
Cross-domain search capabilities
Shopping Cart
Advanced Product Selection & Description & Help Paradigms
Session and database based cart tools CIM integratione integration
Sell, Products, Subscriptions & Advertising
Customer tracking
Customized Discount Codes
Orders & Transaction management
Affiliate Sales Reporting
Commissions Reporting
Services Fulfillment
Integrated to Workflow Management
Social Network Integration
Facebook Log-in and Sharing
Facebook Pages Integration
Facebook Places
Integrated Social network – friends, likes, ratings, connections, hotness algorithm, interest matching
Recurring Billing & Transactions
Control Access to Premium Features and Content
Discount Codes
Membership Levels
Member Groups
Discussions – Threaded Topics
Public / Private or Invitation Only
Group Events
Automated Customer Technical Support
Ticket and Feedback Integration
Ticket management tools
Feedback and suggestion management tools
Ticket Tracker Tools
Mobile Support App
Custom Folders
Video File Formatting & Conversion
HTML5 multi-browser support
Mobile compatibility
Assets Minifier
Cache Management
HTML Caching