Internet marketing and web development are tried by many and mastered by very few. Most websites tell a company’s story from the inside out. They may have some success with search engines, but the content is not interactive and is seldom directed toward any specific goal.
Successful Internet Marketing
Successful internet marketing and web development are based on:
- Clearly defined business goals
- Understanding various options for getting people to your site
- An easy path to purchase (conversion) on the website
- The ability to measure the success of our efforts
- Energy and discipline to follow through
SEO, SEM & Converting Customers
Google presently indexes 30 trillion web pages. Standing out and attracting customers is a daunting challenge. Once at your site, over half of your visitors will leave in the first 10 seconds. 90% will not visit a second page. These are the challenges faced by every web marketer. E7 Systems creates websites and internet marketing campaigns with the power to
- Attract customers
- Clearly present benefits to the audience
- Optimize conversion on landing pages
- Create new relationships
- Follow through on those relationships
- Measure the impact of new content and offers
- Talk to thousands people like you talk to your best friend
Search engine optimization, search engine marketing, pay per click, landing page design, email campaigns, shopping carts, exit pops and social marketing are all elements of what we call conversion science.
We are happy to have on our team a master of conversion science, Michael Lofton. Michael has been in the marketing-publishing industry for over 25 years and is exceptionally knowledgeable and capable in the integration of all these disciplines in pursuit of maximizing the value of your web property. If you are searching for a partner to create a comprehensive integrated marketing campaign around your website or digital assets, please contact us for a personal and complementary review.
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